Från hav till fjäll - Falkenberg och Funäsdalen

September 2024

I september reste Pia och jag först med tåg till Falkenberg och sedan med bil till Funäsdalen som ligger i västra Härjedalen. I Falkenberg bodde vi precis vid havet på hotell Ocean och I Funäsdalen precis vid bergets fot. Vi hade fantastisk tur med vädret på båda platserna, vilket inbjöd till långa och sköna vändringar. Givet vis hann jag också med lite astrofoto de dagar vi var hemma i Stuvsta.

NGC 6826, Blinking Planetary
NGC 6826, Blinking Planetary
NGC 6826 (also known as Caldwell 15) is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Cygnus. It is commonly referred to as the "Blinking Planetary", although many other nebulae exhibit such "blinking". When viewed through a small telescope, the brightness of the central star overwhelms the eye when viewed directly, obscuring the surrounding nebula. However, it can be viewed well using averted vision, which causes it to "blink" in and out of view as the observer's eye wanders. A distinctive feature of this nebula are the two bright patches on either side, which are known as Fast Low-Ionization Emission Regions, or FLIERS. They appear to be relatively young, moving outwards at supersonic speeds. HD 186924 is the central star of the planetary nebula. It is an O-type star with a spectral type of O6fp. Photographed with the RC8" reflector telescope and the ASI 2600MC color camera in Stuvsta September 6th, 2024. Exposure was 60 * 1 min. Postprocessing in Pixinsight with Blur Xterminator.

Rolf Johansson